Friday, September 30, 2016

Buying a Newly Constructed Home is Best - Here are 6 Reasons Why.

Buying a Newly Constructed Home is Best - Here are 6 Reasons Why.

When it's time to look at homes for sale one of the first things to consider is whether to look for a used home or a brand new home.  Unlike buying a car, there is typically very little price difference in buying a used home or a brand new home because the pricing is dictated by the appraisal/housing market.

New construction offers homeowners just that: NEW. There will be no need for a termite inspection, although it will happen anyway. No need for remodeling existing kitchens and bathrooms to suit your needs. No need to catch up old maintenance items.  We thought these six reasons why buying a newly constructed home is best might make you feel better.

One. Floor Plan

New construction gives new homeowners a house designed their way. Are you just starting out and don’t need six bedrooms or five baths? Not a problem. Would  you prefer the master suite downstairs with a spa bathroom and an office off the master bedroom? Your wish is our command. Perhaps you need a gourmet kitchen and an outdoor kitchen and living room for entertaining. Can do. Trending now is wide open floor plans. Not only that, but new homeowners have a choice of floor to ceiling windows, huge Palladian windows and rooms with banks of windows on one wall. That’s double the amount of natural light, which is better for your body and mind, not to mention the power bill. Why bother with an existing home needing remodeling, when new build houses can give you all this?

Two. It’s Covered

Existing homes don’t give new homeowners a warranty on the appliances or anything else. New construction offers new homeowners warranties like the Bonded Builders Warranty that Brannon Builders provides.  These warranties often cover everything from the roof and plumbing to the stove and dishwasher. Even the windows and doors will have some type of coverage. Such warranties usually last for years, and in some cases last the life of the house or how long the owner owns the house. Added to this is the fact that the appliances, HVAC unit and more will be Energy Star qualified. No amount of money can buy that kind of peace of mind. So get in there and cook something wonderful to celebrate your new home!

Three. A Healthy Home

Chemicals were discovered about 60 years ago that were thought to be useful, helpful or good for us. They allowed stains on furniture and carpets to be removed with a spray and a wipe of a towel. Lead paint in older homes can lead to health issues. We know that the adhesives used to secure a hard wood floor can contribute to allergies. Buying a brand new home insures that the newest and safest products have been used to construct your new home. A brand new home is a healthy home.

Four.  Smart Homes

“Smart” is more than just a rage. It’s not even about coordinating things. It’s about communications. When new homeowners are sitting in rush hour traffic, they can turn the air conditioning or the heat to the desired degree preparatory for the owners’ arrival at home. It’s about communicating with systems that adjust window treatments in order to discourage home intruders. Doors can be locked or unlocked as the owners pull into the driveway with loads of groceries. Washers, dryers and dishwashers can be programmed to only run during energy-saving times of the day or night. Parameter lights can be programmed to turn on and off at certain times of the night. “Smart” was designed for convenience, but it came to mean saving money all around for homeowners. New homeowners want to integrate these things into their new home.

Five. Maintenance

What maintenance? Brand new things don’t need upkeep. Okay, new homeowners might need to clean out the gutters every fall, but that’s it. This is where those warranties kick in that we discussed above. New homeowners won’t have to paint the house every spring, because the siding never fades or chips. Unless harsh weather such as tornadoes or hurricanes regularly show up in your area, you should have no damage to repair the warranties won’t cover. Additionally, today’s building materials are so tech-savvy that even harsh weather doesn’t stand a chance of creating havoc. Homeowners will have many years of enjoyment of their home totally without worry.

Six. Charm

There’s a kind of charm in new things. New car smells. New paint aromas. The earthy scent of hardwood floors or wooden cabinets. The satisfaction of sinking the toes into brand new thick carpets. There is also charm in having friends and family gaze in open-mouthed wonder at the innovations new homeowners built into their new home. When work mates or networking associates visit, there is the pride that puffs out the chest when they admire and compliment new homeowners on their new home. Most important of all, we think, is the deep feeling of owning a home built your way with all your dreams built in to it.

When you are ready to look at new homes for sale in North Mississippi or if you just have questions about the process be sure to contact Brannon Builders.

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